Friday, December 14, 2007

Handling the Stress of the Holidays

The holidays - how they stir up our emotions. We have memories, fantasies, heartbreak, and other times to work through.

The more you feel like pressing an "agenda" right now, the better it is to table it and just get through this time period. Most of us are carrying more of a load than normal, and also more apt to feel emotionally pressured about things.

Keep your expectations about the holidays in line with reality. In fact the less you expect (demand), the more likely you are to have a great holiday.

Call me for a consultation if you need to let off the steam, vent, or form a strategic plan. Coaching can give you the necessary perspective on what's going on and how to handle it.

New Year's is the time when we all make our reslutions again, and it's a great time for planning and reaching goals.

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